enpaku 早稲田大学演劇博物館


歌舞伎と文楽のエンパク玉手箱 Enpaku’s Treasure Box of Kabuki and Bunraku


演劇博物館1階 閲覧カウンター



仕様:A5 / 64ページ / カラー / 日本語・英語(2か国語表記)


= 目 次 =


非日常の世界へ引き込む 「表構え」
にぎやかな装いでお出迎え 「看板」
興行に欠かせない情報源 「番付」
江戸時代のファンスクラップ 「刷り物・貼り込み」
斬新なデザインと色彩の 「衣裳」
早替りを支える職人の技 「鬘・仕掛物」
役者のこだわり 「小道具」

庶民の歌と踊りから発展した 「濫觴期」
女形の確立、名優輩出の 「元禄期」
人形浄瑠璃との交流から独創性が誕生 「宝暦期」
バラエティーに富んだ 「音曲と舞踊」
リアリズムからスペクタクルまで 「多彩な演出」
個性が光る 「人気作者の時代」
世相の中から庶民の声を拾い上げた 「幕末」
いち早く西洋文化を取り入れた 「明治・大正期」
世界へ躍進する 「昭和・平成」
新技術と新作活動による歌舞伎の 「新時代」


人形の世界に引き込む 「舞台」
義太夫節によって物語を導く 「太夫」
物語のみなもととなる 「床本・丸本・五行本」
豊かな音色で情感を表現する 「三味線」
人形に命を吹き込む 「人形遣い」
類型の中に多彩な人物が宿る 「首」

語り物と人形が結びついていく義太夫節の 「成立期」
名作が続々と誕生 「発展期」
磨き抜かれて現代につながる作品へ 「固定期」
時代の変化と、未来への模索も 「今日まで」


Enpaku’s Treasure Box of Kabuki and Bunraku
64 pages / Colour / Japanese and English

We would like more people to increase an interest in traditional Japanese theatres, ‘kabuki’ and ‘bunraku’, so we have launched the special exhibition, 'Enpaku’s Treasure Box of Kabuki and Bunraku', and have published the pictorial record book with the same name. This book illustrates the histories of kabuki and bunraku theatres and their various aspects in simpler terms. Also, as we would like people from other countries to familiarise themselves with these traditional performing arts, we prepared the book in both Japanese and English. We wish this book will help you engage with the worlds of ‘kabuki’ and ‘bunraku’.

= Contents =


Invitation to Kabuki
The Front of a Kabuki Theater: Gateway to a World Away from the Everyday
Kanban Signboards: Colorful Invitations to the Kabuki World
Banzuke: The Indispensible Information Carriers of Theatrical Production
The Scrapbooks of Edo Period Kabuki Fans
The Always Modern Fashion Designs of Kabuki Costumes
Wigs and Stage Devices: Craftsmen That Make Fast-Changes Possible
Kodōgu Hand Props: The Discerning Choice of an Actor

The Path Kabuki Took
Born from the Songs and Dances of the Common People: The Early Development of Kabuki
The Creation of Onnagata Female Role Specialists and the Appearance of Great Actors: The Genroku Period
From Interdependence with the Puppet Theater to Independent Creation: The Hōreki Period
A Dazzling Variety of Dances and Musical Styles
A Range of Production Styles from Realism to Spectacle
The Individual Personalities of Popular Kabuki Playwrights
The Twilight of the Edo Period: Picking Up the Voices of the Age from the Common People
The First to Introduce Western Culture: The Meiji and TaishōPeriods
Kabuki Moves Out Into the World: The Shōwa and Heisei Periods
A New Age with New Plays and New Techniques for Kabuki

Invitation to Enpaku

Invitation to Bunraku
The Bunraku Stage: Hidden Tricks to Pull You Into the World of the Puppets
The Tayū Chanter Creates the Story with Gidayu-Bushi Narrative Singing
The Unique Texts of Bunraku: Yukahon, Maruhon and Go-Gyōbon
The Powerful Sound of the Thick-Necked Shamisen
Ningyō-Zukai Puppeteers Breathe Life into the Puppets
The Kashira Puppet Heads: A World of Variety within Role-Types

The Path Bunraku Took
The Origins of Bunraku Puppet Theater: The Wedding of Narrative Music and Puppets
The Golden Age of Bunraku: The Birth of a Wealth of Classical Plays
Period of Solidification: Polishing the Classics for the Present
Bunraku Up to the Present: Changing with the Times, Looking to the Future