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= = 目 次 = =
世阿弥の能楽伝書『花伝』花修篇の性格と相伝に関する問題....重田 みち
「三村竹清日記 不秋草堂日暦(二十三)」....三村竹清日記研究会
資料翻刻 演劇博物館所蔵「坪内士行宛葉書」....濱口 久仁子
境界を超えて:ユダヤ劇『ディブック あるいは二つの世界の間で』と日本の伝統演劇における霊の出現....ツヴィカ・セルペル
フランスのコンテンポラリーダンスにみる支援政策の変遷「8月20日の署名者たち」の活動を端緒として....越智 雄磨
『傷だらけの男』(1950年、マキノ正博)におけるアメリカニズムをめぐる葛藤....紙屋 牧子
「観客の時代」の子ども――1950年代日本映画における年少観客の受容動向と観客調査....渡邉 大輔
何でもない、特異なイメージ――ジル・ドゥルーズ『シネマ』における任意空間をめぐって....鈴木 啓文
From Beckett to the Engineered Sound:Words and Music, Cascando, and Other Plays for Radio....八木 斉子
= = contents = =
An Inquiry into the Characteristics of Zeami’s Noh Treatise “Kashu” (花修)” in Kaden (花伝) and Its Hereditary Succession....Michi SHIGETA
Articles Related to Noh Derived from the Diary of Kazuramaki Masaoki....Yuriko AOYAGI,Atushi IRIGUCHI,Fumie EGUCHI,Ryou KIMURA,Mizuki TAKUSAGAWA,Nozomi FUKAZAWA,Mikio TAKEMOTO
Reprint of Chikusei Mimura's Diary, "FushusoˉdoˉNichireki" Vol. 23....The Reasearch Group of Chikusei Mimura's Diary
Reprint of Postcards Addressed to Shiko Tsubouchi from the Collection of the Theatre Museum atWaseda University....Kuniko HAMAGUCHI
Beyond Boundaries:The Jewish Play The Dybbuk/Between Two Worlds and the Appearance of Departed Souls in Japanese Traditional Theatre....Zvika SERPER
A Change in French Cultural Policy on Contemporary Dance:- The Activities of Signataire du 20 Aôut....Yuma OCHI
Confusion about Americanism in Kizudarake no Otoko (1950, Makino Masahiro)....Makiko KAMIYA
Child Spectators and Audience Research in 1950s Japanese Cinema....Daisuke WATANABE
An Ordinary, Singular Image: “Any-Space-Whatever” in Gilles Deleuze’s Cinema....Hirofumi SUZUKI
From Beckett to the Engineered Sound: Words and Music, Cascando, and Other Plays for Radio....Naoko YAGI
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