= = 目 次 = =
・南インドの憑霊儀礼芸能・ブータBHUTA:儀礼芸能を育み、養った地域土壌、その民俗文化、共同体....森尻 純夫
・「今の路考」—奥村利信作画期考....木村 八重子
・『葛巻昌興日記』所引能楽記事稿(貞享二年分)....入口 敦志、江口 文恵、近藤 弘子、田草川 みずき、深澤 希望、柳瀬 千穂、竹本 幹夫
・「三村竹清日記 不秋草堂日暦(二十四)」....三村竹清日記研究会
・<坪内逍遙宛諸家書簡1>坪内逍遙宛 會津八一書簡(1)....菊池 明、松山 薫、柳澤 和子、濱口 久仁子
・篠田正浩、池部良を語る — 『乾いた花』の余白に....羽鳥 隆英
伴奏曲目レパートリーの形成と楽譜配給....紙屋 牧子、白井 史人、柴田 康太郎
・ジョン・フレッチャーの劇における超自然的存在と歌—パロディと観客操作....辻川 美和
・留日した舞台美術家呉剣声について....鈴木 直子
—社会主義リアリズムによる民族バレエからの転換....稲田 奈緒美
= = contents = =
The Possessed Ritual and Performance: Bhuta in South India Practice of cultivated folk ritual and performance :”Bhuta” in regional religion and human community....Sumio MORIJIRI
“ Ima-no-Rokou” (Segawa Kikunojou II) —the period when Okumura Toshinobu used to draw ....Yaeko KIMURA
Articles Related to Noh Derived from the Diary of Kazuramaki Masaoki....Atsushi IRIGUCHI, Fumie EGUCHI, Hikoko KONDO, Mizuki TAKUSAGAWA, Nozomi FUKAZAWA, Chiho YANASE, Mikio TAKEMOTO
Reprint of Chikusei Mimura’s Diary, “Fushusodo Nichireki,” Vol. 24....The Research Group of Chikusei Mimura’s Diary
(Reprint of the Letters sent to Shoyo Tsubouchi [1])Reprint of the Letters from Yaichi Aizu to Shoyo Tsubouchi (1)....Akira KIKUCHI, Kaoru MATSUYAMA, Kazuko YANAGISAWA, Kuniko HAMAGUCHI
Shinoda Masahiro on Ikebe Ryo: On the Margin of Pale Flower....Takafusa HATORI
Zeami’s treatment of the subject story in the Noh Matsura....Ramona Taranu
Musical Accompaniment for Silent Films after the mid-1920s at Nikkatsu Movie Theaters: Evolution of Musical Repertory and Distributed Musical Scores Clarified through Research on Hirano-Collection....Makiko KAMIYA, Fumito SHIRAI, Kotaro SHIBATA
Supernatural Beings and Songs in John Fletcher’s Works: Parody and Manipulation of Audience....Miwa TSUJIKAWA
On stage set designer, Wu Jiansheng who was sent to Japan by the Kuomintang....Naoko SUZUKI
A Choreographer Taneo Ishida’s aim "Japanese indigenous ballet”: the change from ethnic ballet of socialist realism....Naomi INATA
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